2017 Scouting 500
Scouting 500 –
Visit this Website! http://www.hoac-bsa.org/ scouting-500
Scouting 500 is a regional event at the Kansas Speedway, August 25-27. It is expected to be the largest gathering of scouts in the U.S. outside of the National Jamboree.
There will be over 130 activities in 18 program areas, including Outdoor Adventure, Career Exploration, Shooting Sports, Midway, STEM, and World of Wheels. There will be a Robotics Lab, Geocaching, Carpentry, Welding, ATV Course, Bicycle on the track, Obstacle Course, Military Vehicles, Law Enforcement Challenge, Powder Ball shooting, sports clinic, and the Zoomobile. If you can find is in scouting, you can find it at this event.
We have a handful of scouts who want to attend. If you’re interested, let Dawn Schnake know by May 1st. It won’t sell out, but there’s a free gift for registering early.
Parents will need to go, or we need to work out 2-deep leadership for Boy Scouts. Siblings, non-registered friends, Cub Scouts, aunts, uncles, anyone can go. The price is $37.50 for each person, regardless of age, regardless whether we camp or not. We can decide later if we want to camp or just go for the day.