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About Us

About Boy Scout Troop 257

Troop Philosophy

Troop 257, known as “The scouts with heart” prides itself on successfully meeting the three aims of Scouting:

  • Encouraging participatory citizenship
  • Building strong moral character
  • Helping young men to grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Troop History

Troop 257 was formed in 1964, and is currently sponsored by Atonement Lutheran Church in Overland Park, KS.

Who Can Join?

Although the troop is chartered by Atonement Lutheran, membership is open to all boys age 11 (or who have earned the Arrow of Light Award, or have completed 5th grade) through 17, of any faith, race or national origin, who believe in God and the ideals of the Scout Oath and Scout Law.

Troop Meetings

The troop meets every Monday a month except for the one in which the troop committee meets, in the Charter Hall of Atonement Lutheran Church, 9948 Metcalf Ave., Overland Park, from 7:00 – 8:00pm. Meeting dates and times are available via the Calendar.

Troop 257 subscribes to, and believes strongly in, BSA’s recommendations for a “boy-run troop”. During troop meetings, Scouts and parents meet separately. The adults join the Scouts for the opening, then gather in a separate area for a parent meeting. During parent meetings the troop discusses upcoming events, as well as topics of interest to most parents. At the end of the meeting the adults once again join the Scouts for the closing.

Scouts conduct their own meeting, run by Scouts. The Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) directs the meeting, with the assistance of his Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders (ASPLs).

Troop meetings are a time for Scouts to learn and practice Scouting skills through games and activities, hone their leadership skills and prepare for upcoming trips and events (e.g., planning a patrol menu for a campout).


We welcome visiting Scouts from other troops, Webelos, and parents at any meeting. Feel free to contact us if you would like more information.